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Berkeley United Methodist Church

2407 Berkeley Ave, Austin TX 78745


Sunday Worship is at 10:30 am

A breezy place in South Austin
to love, serve, and praise Jesus

Berkeley's 10:30am livestream worship service on Sundays
can be found on YouTube.  Click HERE for the link.
Recordings of current and previous worship services can be found on YouTube at "Worship at Berkeley" :

Find out more about us and what is happening at Berkeley by reading our newsletter and following our calendar or by signing up for our weekly email "The Buzz".


Berkeley has long had mission and service at the heart of how we live out our faith.


We do not cease praising our Lord.  With an active and exciting choir, multiple guest musicians, original compositions, and a congregation that sings, worship at Berkeley in person or online.


We have a number of active Sunday School classes and small groups, as well as a growing children’s ministry, adult small groups and Bible studies

“I give you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, so you also must love each other. This is how everyone will know that you are my disciples, when you love each other.” 
                                                                 John 13:34-35

Upcoming Events

Conversations in Response to General Conference Decisions


Since General Conference ended in May, we have been informing BUMC on the decisions made.  In consultation and encouragement from our District Superintendent Marcus Freeman, several BUMC Council leaders - J.D. Moore, Council Chair; Rachel Trudell, Lay Leader, Summer Kaylor, SPRC chair, and myself are inviting the Berkeley UMC community into a series of conversations in response to these decisions.  Our purpose in these conversations is to understand the decisions, share and listen to each other about our response to these changes, and move toward how to respond in unity as a congregation moving forward.


Our first conversation with be Sunday, July 28th, 3pm in the Sanctuary at BUMC.  Rev. Jay Cooper from Violet Crown UMC in Austin will facilitate this meeting.  Jay will be going through the decisions from General Conference involving human sexuality.  We will look at the wording of the decisions, Jay will give explanation of the decisions, and we will invite questions to understand and clarify.  This conversation will not involve Jay or others giving opinion.  We just want to make sure everyone understands what the decisions are.


During August and September, BUMC will have 2 or 3 meetings inviting all who are a part of the BUMC community.  This will be an opportunity for the community to share their response to the decisions.  This will be a chance for those attending to share their beliefs and responses to the decisions with others in the community with the emphasis of openness and listening to each other.  Not a time to debate, convince or critique each other but just to listen, get to know each other better and understand each other and unity.  We will have a facilitator to help us stay on that track.


This will lead us to a time in October to decide how we will move forward in unity with how our congregation will continue to be inviting of all in our community.  Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.  I will let you know details and dates as those are decided.


Last week as I spoke about valuing each person by listening, I invited everyone to this step.  Please consider:

  1. Getting together with another person in the BUMC community to share and listen about your response to the decisions.

  2. Please pray together for guidance and unity for our community.


~ Pastor Rusty

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