Mission Teams & Staff
Serving our neighbors
Berkeley is very active in missions throughout our community.
Here is but a portion of what we are doing.

Mission Fund
Berkeley UMC (BUMC) has funds available for ministry and missions as a result of interest on our endowment fund. The Endowment Committee will receive applications for funds from BUMC members who would like to support specific ministries. These funds will be available for ministries to the community in which members are involved or supporting ministries that are meaningful to members.
Click HERE for the Mission Fund Application Form
Local Schools Outreach
The church is actively committed to supporting the students and staff at Cunningham elementary across the street. As well, our church supports Widén Elementary in East Austin with fundraisers, volunteering, and other efforts. For more information, contact the office.
Plus 1 Utility Support
Berkeley UMC was recently approved for a grant from the City of Austin to become an assistance provider in the Financial Support Plus 1 Program. Serious illness, a recent job loss, or other emergencies can make it difficult for some customers to pay their utility bills. The Plus 1 fund helps by providing emergency financial aid to customers who are having a temporary problem paying their utility bills.
If you would like to know more, or are interested in volunteering please email office@berkeleyumc.org or call 512-447-6633.
If you need assistance with your electric bill please call 512-766-0385.
Berkeley UMC Ministry Teams
Our ministry teams are growing to meet the spiritual, emotional, social, and physical needs in the community. Some teams are already formed and functioning, others are being resurrected and expanded. We’ve listed our ministries below, take a look and let us know what you’re interested in.
If you would like more information, or would like to be involved in one of our teams, email Pastor Rusty at rusty@berkeleyumc.org.
❑ Children and Youth Ministries Team: Create and plan programs to help children and youth in the congregation and community develop and grow in faith and community.
❑ Social Justice Team: Partner with others in the community to address issues of social injustice in Austin and globally.
❑ Mission Team: Research and find national and global missions impacting and reaching others with the good news and love of Jesus Christ in order to find ways to support these ministries.
❑ Outreach Team: This team will focus in outreach and in witness in three areas:
1. Help Berkeley members learn how to be a witness to those in their sphere of influence.
2. This team will create opportunities to connect with neighbors of Berkeley UMC.
3. This team will follow with guests to Berkeley UMC to make connections and help find places to get involved.
❑ Worship Team: Vision and plan direction of worship services at Berkeley UMC. Meet with pastors and musicians to plan weekly worship services.
❑ Media Team: Runs media for worship services, etc.
❑ Adult Education and Discipleship Team: Create, plan, and lead programs to help adults in the congregation continue to grow in faith, discipleship, and leadership.
❑ Spiritual Connection Team: Create and lead programs and services to help members of the community to connect with God and the community through spiritual practices:
❑ Stewardship Team: Create and plan programs to continue to meet financial needs of the Berkeley Community.
❑ Facility Care Team: Will care for the physical needs of Berkeley UMC campus: regular mowing, etc. and occasional repairs and other care for the property.
❑ Congregational Care Team: Our Mission Statement: “With communion, meals, cards, phone calls, and transportation, the Congregational Care Ministry of Berkeley United Methodist Church will serve God by addressing the concerns and needs of the active, inactive and homebound members experiencing life changes.” We also help match up people with needs in the congregation with those who can help.
Meet The Team